Monday, May 11, 2015

wrapping it up...

My 20% Time Speech

                I’ve always been a musical individual. I was able to hear a rhythmic melody from just about anything that produced sound waves and had a frequency in my hearing range. I have had a strong passion for singing since I was 5, taught myself piano when I was 10, and taught myself guitar when I was 12. The only problem was, I’ve always had extremely, bad stage fright and have tried to force myself to overcome it. 20% time, with Mrs. Browning, has given me the chance to try and overcome my shyness. I have become more confident with myself singing and playing guitar in front of people. I even tried out for choir for the school, which I probably would not have done before. Although I didn’t exactly accomplish my original goal, which was to teach people about the guitar, I did enjoy the process of slowly morphing into a blog about me becoming a better guitarist. I was faced with many obstacles along the way like, breaking strings, trying to do advanced bar chords, and trying to learn to finger pick. As I look back at it now, I realize it made me become even more determined and stronger. I would like to say a huge thank you to my mom who has taught me to persevere, myself for not giving up, and lastly, Mrs. Browning for giving me the chance to find my way for my true passion like the light at the end of a tunnel.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Presentation next week...

I'm excited to say that we are having presentations next week... but I'm also very, very nervous. I don't know if I'm going to have the guts to sing and play guitar in front of people. I really, really hope that I can overcome this weakness of mine.

Friday, April 10, 2015

This blog is going no where... I apologize. I have officially not accomplished my goal.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I will try to have a video up to my YouTube account soon. I've been quite busy lately..

Friday, March 6, 2015

Posting soon ... Hopefully!!

Hey guys so I haven't met my expectations quite yet.... I haven't posted a video at all! hopefully within the next few weeks I will upload some videos to YouTube and post the link here. I hope you will enjoy them.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Building Up The Callouses

When you're first starting out on the guitar, your finger WILL hurt. No worries though because this is normal. Since your finger are soft, the strings with create dents and painful marks on your fingertips and possible even blisters. After a few days  of playing, you should start to notice your skin toughening up. There are called callouses and they will help you grip on the string while you're playing. After a long time of playing the guitar, your fingertips will be fully toughened and you should be able to play with no troubles at all!

Friday, January 23, 2015

The new Fall Out Boy album, "American Beauty/American Psycho", came out on Monday... DEFINITLEY going to have to learn some of the songs on it!! I highly suggest giving this album a listen!